Board of Directors & Staff

Adam McClun
Director of Programs & Operations

Eric Schumacher
Community Impact Manager

Gary Jones, Jr.
KC 360 Manager

Julia Kesarwani
KC 360 Coordinator

Jeffrey J. Simon
Chairman of the Board
Board of Directors

Mr. Rick L. Armstrong
President & CEO, Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission

Dr. Kimberly Beatty
Chancellor, Metropolitan Community College

Mr. John Boucard
CEO, Tesseract Ventures

Mr. Damon Daniel
President, Ad Hoc Group Against Crime

Mr. Jacob Derritt (Finance Chair)
Vice President, JP Morgan Chase

Mr. Terry Dunn
Philanthropist & Investor, DD Ranch Leawood

Ms. Karen Fenaroli (Human Capital and Compensation Chair)
CEO & Managing Director, Fenaroli & Associates

Mr. Trey Humphrey (Advocacy Chair)
EVP and Group General Counsel, Lockton, Inc.

Ms. Melesa Johnson
Prosecutor, Jackson County

Mr. Gordon E. Lansford, III (Development Chair)
President & CEO, JE Dunn Construction Company

Pastor Ron Lindsay
Senior Pastor, Concord Fortress of Hope Church

Mr. Beto Lopez
CEO, Guadalupe Centers

Mr. Gavri Schreiber
General Counsel, Office of the Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri

Mr. Clyde McQueen
President & CEO, Full Employment Council

Mr. Joe Reardon
President & CEO, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Charlie Shields
CEO, University Health

Mr. Jeffrey J. Simon (KCCG Board and Executive Chair)
Office Managing Partner, Husch Blackwell, LLP

Msgr. Stuart Swetland (Planning Chair)
President, Donnelly College

Pastor Cassandra Wainright
Heaven Sent Outreach Ministries

Mr. Stephen Penn
Managing Partner, KPMG LLP

Mr. Henry Wash
President, High Aspirations

Sandra Cassady, Ph.D.
President & CEO, Rockhurst University

Bridgette Williams
Executive Director, Heavy Constructors Association

Mr. C. Mauli Agrawal, Ph.D.
Chancellor, University of Missouri- Kansas City