Youth Ambassadors’ Teen Peace Summit

Robert J. Mohart Multipurpose Center 3200 Wayne, Kansas City, United States

The Teen Peace Summit focuses on uplifting youth voices on anti-violence principals and bringing the community together to take us a step closer to peace. Join us at the Teen Peace Summit for a day of unity, empowerment, and action as we pave the way for a brighter future in Kansas City. Must be 14-18 […]


HealingHer: Women’s Empowerment and Violence Prevention Forum

Robert J. Mohart Multipurpose Center 3200 Wayne, Kansas City, United States

Equipping survivors of domestic, sexual, and gun violence with tools to heal, rebuild and reclaim their lives. This forum is for women, service organizations, community leaders and stakeholders.

Green Core Training

Robert J. Mohart Multipurpose Center 3200 Wayne, Kansas City, United States

The Green Core Training is an environmental literacy and workplace readiness training for people who are trying to find employment. The five-week training introduces people to and prepares them for […]

Crime Victims’ Compensation Presentation

Robert J. Mohart Multipurpose Center 3200 Wayne, Kansas City, United States

The Missouri Office for Victims of Crime will be doing a presentation about crime victim compensation. Doors will open at 10am, event starts promptly at 10:30am.  There will be time for questions.

Would you like to submit an event for inclusion on our calendar?  You can do that here.