Following the most violent year in Kansas City’s history, award-winning PBS documentary filmmaker Michael Price explores crime reduction programs across the region in search of solutions. Join the Public Safety Coalition, Kansas City PBS and the KC Chamber for a screening of A Tale of Three Cities documentary, followed by a panel discussion to explore the violence reduction work of Kansas City, Missouri; Kansas City, Kansas; and Omaha, Nebraska more deeply.
Panel Moderator:
- Emmet Pierson, Jr., President and CEO, Community Builders of Kansas City Featured
Featured Panelists:
- Klassie Alcine, CEO, KC Common Good
- Ossco Bolton, Founder, P.O.S.S.E.
- Stacey Graves, Chief of Police, Kansas City, Missouri Police Department
- Karl Oakman, Chief of Police, Kansas City, Kansas Police Department
- Michael Price, Founder, English Landing Films
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